Superb news for Nepalese cricket world. The renowned DHURMUSH-SHUNTALI foundation presided by Sitaram Kattel signed a memorandum with the mayor of Bharatpur Metropolitan city Renu Dahal in the presence of Prime minister KP Sharna Oli during a programme at City Hall in Kathmandu to construct GAUTAM BUDDHA International cricket stadium in Bharatpur, Chitwan. The cost estimated for the stadium is worth Rs.3 billion. The foundation prepares the stadium within 2 years. The stadium will have Capacity of 25 thousand people along with an indoor stadium, two practice grounds, LED screen all over the stadium and floodlights for the day and night matches. The foundation came in limelight after constructing four model villages in different parts of the country when the country is badly devastated by 2015 earthquake. The foundation started donation drive from the program and already collected Rs 50 million. of Kathmandu donated Rs 5 million, so far the highest donor for th...
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