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Showing posts with the label Patience

Patience is the magical act.

It is said that patience minded people are charismatic and they are persistent. Dear readers patience is beautiful phenomenal act an individual can develop in order to have better quality of life. Let me explain it's beautification as we know one minute of patience can leads to the ten years of peace. According to Hindu mythology the Rishi Munis are practicing this for since time immemorial because of perfection on this excellent act they managed to have various superpower of their desires. In modern days it is famously called meditation. So friends we should adopt it as a culture wether in the form of meditation or in the form of entangled thought. It really helps to develop personality thereby fulfilling our desires. Let me mention an another example in a School a test was carried out that is "marshmallow test". There were childrens of lower grade. They were kept separately in a cell or chamber with a marshmallow or a sweet . The rule of the test was stude