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Procrastination is a disease

Procrastination is a disease "Do it now sometimes later becomes never" Dear friends we all have some sort of habit like wait, I will do it later on, tomorrow, afterwards bla bla. Actually it's disease :it can add huge shadows to the career, personality development. Switch on be ready. It is said that readiness is more important than willingness. Set a plan start with simple habit change. If you want to study then start, if you want to play games than play if you want to stop than stop it :rule it. Always be watchful, careful on minor events then only it will be applicable to major events. Sometimes we say I like to study but I am not in mood. I like to play football but after match body will pain, I want to watch movie but......... Do it, start it, rule it, now only make a habit don't delay. It's is better to be 1 hour early than 1 1 minute late. 

Shrinkhala Kathiwoda "the Beauty Queen"

Shrinkhala Kathiwoda is the greatest gift to Nepal after Gorkhas It's an immense pleasure to cover about Shrinkhala the "multimedia queen of 2018". She is making country proud by exhibiting her talents in ongoing miss world 2018 beauty pageant. Nepal was first known by world due to Gorkhas the brave soldiers who fought in World War series. They are the heros who brought us on globe, our location was known to world due to Gorkhas now famously called Gorkha regiment (India). Another event we came to highlight to the world was due to unfortunate The Nepalese Royal massacred that occurred on 2001. That was immensely bizarre. This year may be the time we advertise our nation as Land of miss world 2018. All the best Shrinkhala.

What actually personality means?

What actually personality means?  Dear readers today let me have an opinion on personality, actually what it means? Many people misjudge it by looking over an outcome on income. So first thing let us think about the type of opinion you want from people if you are getting then it simply a reflection of your personality.  If you are uncomfortable in any kind of situation let's think about your response while asking questions in classes, claiming human right in public places, bargaining while shopping, interacting with masses, insecure feeling on physical looks, on dressing sense etc.  If you tackle all these problems as per situations without disturbing, hurting others then you have solid personality otherwise it's a kind of personality disorder and it's consider that you are not living the life you wanted to be. It's a step towards achieving goals. It's not about money, reputation and expensive gadgets but the situation in own favours.

Still struggling in life???

"Gratitude  changes everything " Dear friends today I would like to encrypt the fundamental human anatomy of success. As you know there are lots of up and downs, twist and turn in an individual's life. Someone accidentally became rich because by twist of fate and others struggle and fail to grabs the expected results. So the technical term for achieving the desires is the GRATITUDE. One should express gratitude towards parents, elders, friends, relatives and almighty. It sound absurd but sooner or later it advertise as a superstar. Friends it solves the problems that ranges from micro level to macro level wether it's a financial problem or a relationship problem. It justify any action with satisfaction outcome. Be thankful to everyone from heart towards gadgets, family and friends. The rest thing automatically follows. At the end of day always ask the question :  What are you grateful for today ?

Patience is the magical act.

It is said that patience minded people are charismatic and they are persistent. Dear readers patience is beautiful phenomenal act an individual can develop in order to have better quality of life. Let me explain it's beautification as we know one minute of patience can leads to the ten years of peace. According to Hindu mythology the Rishi Munis are practicing this for since time immemorial because of perfection on this excellent act they managed to have various superpower of their desires. In modern days it is famously called meditation. So friends we should adopt it as a culture wether in the form of meditation or in the form of entangled thought. It really helps to develop personality thereby fulfilling our desires. Let me mention an another example in a School a test was carried out that is "marshmallow test". There were childrens of lower grade. They were kept separately in a cell or chamber with a marshmallow or a sweet . The rule of the test was stude

Our thoughts are our brands

"Except  our thought, there is nothing absolutely  in our power" ~Rene Descartes Its great pleasure to say that human beings are the baby-product or reflection of their thoughts. Whatever you think that becomes a reality in a virtual world and the process goes on till the event turns into reality.  Whether you are strong, weak, dumb, duffer, intelligent, blunt there is no one responsible for that it is because of your thoughts. scientifically an experiment was carried out, in an event athlete and common man compete a race in their minds and peaks and downs of players can be seen in computer i.e race between them. It was found that an athlete's brain won the race.   So if the race was carried out then the athlete would have won the race bay huge margin. Again each thought carries energy each thought possess certain frequency. It can be thought of love, hate, jealousy pride or prejudice. If you change your thoughts to positive vibes then you are ultimately contro